Star Fryers

Star fryers can be powered by gas or electricity and are designed to fit in areas without much room available. Models with one vat can produce dozens of batches of a single product, while dual-vat options enable multi-product production without flavor transfer. More

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KaTom #: 062-630FFLP
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Star Countertop Fryers: What You Need to Know

Star countertop fryers can be placed on a table, countertop, or equipment stand, making them a space-saving option when compared to a floor fryer. These models are great for cooking hot and crispy french fries, chicken tenders, hot wings, fried pies, fish fillets, tater tots, and fried pickles.

Their compact size makes them easy to set up in food trucks, concession stands, and convenience stores. For locations that serve a low to medium volume of fried foods or mobile applications – such as catering companies, fairground vendors, and private parties – a Star fryer can be a perfect fit.

Common Questions About Star Fryers

What size of Star fryer do I need?

The countertop fryer size that works best for your establishment depends on the volume of fried food sold during peak hours. Since fryer cooking fat is typically measured in pounds, fryer vats are measured the same way.

The actual output of each fryer is affected by the type and size of product that's cooked; however, a fryer's maximum output is typically about 1.5 times the fryer's vat size. So, a fryer with a 15-pound vat can output a maximum of 22.5 pounds of fried food per hour.

Another consideration is how many vats each fryer has. If you sell multiple fried items, such as fish fillets, donut holes, and chicken fingers, you'll need more than one fryer vat to avoid transferring flavors between products. Some countertop units come with two vats for cooking different types of product.

How much energy does a Star deep fryer use?

The amount of energy used by a fryer is primarily determined by how frequently the fryer is operated and how long it's left on. Fryers that are left running all day and used frequently will require additional energy to keep the oil hot between batches, as well as heating the oil back up to the set temperature after it's used.

A fryer's energy consumption is also influenced by the type of fuel it uses.

Star fryers are available in either gas or electric models. Fryers that use gas are less energy efficient than electrical models because they don't transfer heat from the burners to the oil as effectively. This might mean an electric fryer will be the cheaper option for your restaurant. In some places, electricity costs significantly more than gas, though, so it's important to check local utility rates when considering whether to choose a fryer that's heated with gas or electricity.

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