Countertop Pizza Ovens

Countertop pizza ovens enable operators to expand their menu without needing the space allotment of a full-size deck oven. The format is generally the same, with low-profile openings and elements that heat food from above and below. More

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Fresh Pizza

Electric Icon

Electric countertop pizza ovens offer simple, plug-and-play operation in any facility or location with an appropriate power supply.

Gas Icon

Small pizza ovens heated by gas provide great throughput and are items of necessity in operations that may not always have access to electricity.

KaTom #: 569-PZ430S
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$1,445.00 / Each
KaTom #: 122-PO18
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$1,463.22 / Each

Small Commercial Pizza Ovens: What You Need to Know

Commercial countertop pizza ovens are a great solution for operations that want to offer pizza but can't commit a huge chunk of their workspace to high-volume pizza ovens. While these units won't accommodate enough for a restaurant that focuses on pizza, they're great for convenience stores, concession stands, and any establishment that wants to offer pizza as an addendum to their existing menu. Read on for answers to common questions about commercial countertop pizza ovens.

Common Questions About Commercial Countertop Pizza Ovens

What can you cook in a countertop pizza oven?

The most powerful countertop commercial pizza oven can bake more than just pizzas. They can be a versatile solution for baking bread, pretzels, and cookies, as well as cooking quesadillas, frozen cheese sticks, egg rolls, and fish sticks. These small commercial pizza ovens can typically achieve higher temperatures than other countertop ovens and may include independent controls for each heat zone. Models with larger baking chambers can even be used to roast meats; these units can be thought of as a high-powered alternative to a toaster oven.

What specialty countertop commercial pizza oven features are available?

One feature potential buyers should consider with small pizza ovens is brick lining, which absorbs and radiates heat evenly throughout the baking chamber. This material reduces hot spots and helps create a higher quality, more evenly heated product. Bricks also improve heat recovery, letting you bake more products faster.

Another option to consider is stone decks. These replicate the traditional method of baking pizzas on a thick stone hearth. Stone absorbs heat and provides an even baking surface that can help create crispy crusts on bread products, including pizzas.

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