Commercial Waffle Makers & Irons

Commercial waffle makers are available with aluminum, cast iron, or stainless steel plates capable of creating various waffle types. Our selection includes several options for creating rectangular, round, square, and silo waffles, with single and double models available. More

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Fixed Icon

Designed to cut down on labor, these units only require you to pour batter and close the top platen to make waffles.

Rotating Icon

Featuring a grid assembly capable of rotation, these units help ensure waffles are evenly baked with a golden-brown finish.

Industrial waffle makers are an essential addition to continental breakfast stations and diners but have also found a niche market in specialty dessert shops and food trucks. These waffle makers are available in two designs: fixed and rotating. Fixed commercial waffle irons are easy to operate – simply pour the batter onto the bottom plate, then close the top one to make waffles. Professional waffle makers that rotate allow users to thoroughly cook waffles, though they require more labor.

Restaurant waffle makers can produce anywhere from 20 to more than 100 waffles per hour, with double units producing the highest output. For operations that don't see many waffle orders, a single commercial Belgian waffle maker is ideal, while establishments such as busy hotels and restaurants offering breakfast or brunch would benefit from a unit with a higher output. Between single and double commercial waffle makers and units designed to produce specialty shapes, operators can find one that meets customer demand.

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